SYSEN 5160

Managing & Modeling Complex Systems for Organizational Leaders

A collection of links to Streamlit apps and Medium posts for the SYSEN 5160 final projects.

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SYSEN 5160 — Managing & Modeling Complex Systems for Organizational Leaders

SYSEN 5160 is designed to teach organizational leaders how to manage and model complex systems using data-driven decision-making. Through hands-on projects, students will learn to develop a decision-making tool using Python and Streamlit. The course emphasizes mathematical, statistical, and computational models and covers a range of topics, such as stakeholder analysis, brainstorming methods, system architecture evaluation, optimization, and real-world decision-making examples.

The course is structured around lectures, five homework assignments, and a semester-long group project. Homework assignments consist of coding exercises and open-ended essay prompts to help students prepare for the final group project. The final project requires students to develop a decision-making case study using Streamlit, a short Medium post, a concise project report, and a group presentation.

Final Projects

Spring 2022

Icon / Graphical Abstract Project Title Headline Blog Post Streamlit App / Source Contributors [Mail|LinkedIn]
A Smart Supply Chain Wizard A great tool will help the company better manage the supply chain Supply Chain Wizard App / Repo Sijie Chen [M|L]
Donghao Huang [M]
Fernando Celaya [M|L]
Keshan Chen [M]
Happy, Healthy, & You A customized nutrition & fitness planner app Health & Fitness with a click of a button App / Repo Jamie Donahue [M|L]
NEM Metering Pricing Tool A tool for consumers and utilities to calculate savins under new NEM pricing policies. NEM Pricing Tool: A Streamlit App App / Repo Henry Harwood [M|L]
Sports Prediction App An app with a novel approach to making sports picks NFL Game Picks through Optimization App / Repo Colby Hawker [M] 
Kevin Lee [M]
Graduation Requirement Validator Cornell ECEs can do everything, except understand all graduation requirements. Using the graduation requirements validator, we can improve the lives of both ECE students and faculty. Graduation Requirement Validator App / Repo Ronin Sharma [M|L]
Loan Application Assistant App A Great App to Help You with Loan Applications Loan Application Assistant App / Repo Susan Wu [M]
Xinzhu Wang [M|L]
Yuchen Tang [M]
VroomVroom An app to sell your car using data! VroomVroom: Sell Your Car With Data App / Repo Sushant Gadgil [M|L]
Isabel Richter [M|L]
Mariya Tasnim [M|L]


Class Roster - Spring 2022 - SYSEN 5160